10 Symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis

Caused by a communications breakdown between nerves and muscles, myasthenia gravis is a condition characterized by muscle weakness and fatigue. This chronic condition affects the muscles under one’s voluntary control, whose efficacy worsens with use and improves with rest. Myasthenia gravis is most common in women aged 20 to 40 and men 50 to 70. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this ailment. Treatment seeks to relieve the symptoms and aid routine functioning of the body in daily life.

1. Ptosis

Myasthenia gravis causes ptosis, or drooping of the upper eyelid. This is among the first signs to present in most patient. It occurs due to the weakness of the levator palpebrae superioris. The eyelids becoe excessively droopy when the affected individual is experiencing a lack of sleep. The condition gets progressively worse if left unchecked.

2. Double Vision

A majority of those with myasthenia gravis develop symptoms in the eye. Double vision, or diplopia, occurs due to the weakness of the extraocular muscles. Affected individuals see two images of a single object, each slightly displaced from the other. This causes problems with accurate visual perception. The tendency toward double vision is worse when reading, driving or watching TV.